Jeudi 06 Février 2025

Publications béninoises liées au GBIF

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  • Avakoudjo H,

    Vodounnon M,

    Idohou R,

    Coulibaly A,

    Assogbadjo A,


    Ensemble modelling reveals spiny monkey orange ( Strychnos spinosa Lam.) as a vulnerable wild edible fruit tree in West Africa

    Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes

    This study aimed at modelling the historical distribution and assessing the potential impacts of future climate on spiny monkey orange (Strychnos spinosa Lam.) population across West Africa using the Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSP 245 and SSP 585) scenarios at the 2041–2060- and 2081–2100-time …

    Keywords :

    Climate change,

    Strychnos spinosa,


    potential distribution,

  • Hounwanou G,

    Noulèkoun F,

    Olou B,

    Biaou S,

    Yorou N,


    Challenges, drivers and strategies for improving natural regeneration of African oak (Afzelia africana Sm)

    Forest Ecology and Management

    African Oak (Afzelia africana Sm. ex Pers.) is a keystone species with high socio-economic importance for local populations in tropical Africa. Yet, the long-term survival of the species in its natural habitats is uncertain given a lack of natural regeneration. Although substantial research has been…

    Keywords :

    Ectomycorrhizal inoculation,

    Endogenous tree,

    Juvenile plants,

    Negative density dependence,

    Threatened species,

    Tropical Africa,

  • Idohou R,

    Odoulami R,

    Houehanou T,

    Assogbadjo A,


    Top priority crop wild relatives exhibit different resilience responses to climate change in Benin (West Africa)

    Journal for Nature Conservation

    Climate change exacerbates biodiversity loss and contributes to disrupting ecosystem functioning, diminishing ecosystem services, and further endangering vulnerable populations of species. This study explores how different climate scenarios may impede the probable resilience of top-priority crop wil…

    Keywords :


    Crop wild relatives,

    Range shifts,

    West Africa,

  • Albrecht C,

    Clewing C,

    Seebens H,

    Chibwana F,

    Silva E,

    Leal M,

    Bolaya R,

    Marwoto R,

    Odaibo A,

    Pinheiro T,

    Popoola M,

    Riedel F,

    Stelbrink B,


    When One Global Invasion Hides Another—Cryptic Interspecific Invasion in Freshwater Gastropods

    Diversity and Distributions

    ABSTRACTAimCryptic invasions are an understudied phenomenon among species invasions, especially in freshwater invertebrates. We study the gastropod family Physidae, including the global invaders Physella acuta and several enigmatic Stenophysa species, their phylogenetic relationships and the presenc…

    Keywords :


    Physa acuta,


    cryptic invasion,


    freshwater invasion,

    invasive alien species (IAS),

    non-indigenous species (NIS),


  • Aboua S,

    Houètchégnon T,

    Sourou B,

    Wédjangnon A,

    Azongnidé G,

    Ouinsavi C,


    Diversity of plant species with ethnomedicinal potential for treating arterial hypertension and gastric ulcers, two chronic diseases: an ethnobotanica…

    Ethnobotany Research and Applications

    Background: The high prevalence of chronic diseases, including arterial hypertension (AHT) and gastric ulcers, in Africa highlights a severe health problem. Many patients resort to medicinal plants due to the high cost of medications and an inadequate healthcare system. This study aimed to dertermin…

    Keywords :



    chronic diseases,

    medicinal plants,

    traditional therapy,

  • Dogbo S,

    Salako K,

    Agoundé G,

    Dimobe K,

    Adiko A,

    Gebauer J,

    Yao C,

    Glèlè Kakaï R,


    Potential impacts of future climate on twelve key multipurpose tree species in Benin: Insights from species distribution modeling for biodiversity con…

    Trees, Forests and People

    The global decline of biodiversity threatens ecosystem stability and human well-being. This study modeled the future suitable habitats of twelve key multipurpose tree species (MPTS) in Benin under two climate scenarios, Shared Socioeconomic Pathways 245 (SSP245) and 585 (SSP585), based on a 2070 hor…

    Keywords :

    Agroforestry multipurpose tree species,


    Biodiversity conservation,

    Climate change,

    Habitat suitability modeling,

    Peri-urban areas,

    Protected areas,

  • Waldock C,

    Maire E,

    Albouy C,

    Andreoli V,

    Beger M,

    Claverie T,

    Cramer K,

    Feary D,

    Ferse S,

    Hoey A,

    Loiseau N,

    MacNeil M,

    McLean M,

    Mellin C,

    Ahouansou Montcho S,

    Palomares M,

    Puente S,

    Tupper M,

    Wilson S,

    Velez L,

    Zamborain‐Mason J,

    Zeller D,

    Mouillot D,

    Pellissier L,


    Micronutrient levels of global tropical reef fish communities differ from fisheries capture

    People and Nature

    The exceptional diversity of shallow‐water marine fishes contributes to the nutrition of millions of people worldwide through coastal wild‐capture fisheries, with different species having diverse nutritional profiles. Fishes in ecosystems are reservoirs of micronutrients with benefits to human healt…

    Keywords :

    biodiversity modelling,

    catch reconstructions,

    fisheries catch,


    reef fish,

    reef fisheries,


  • Aikpon R,

    Gbenou T,

    Lokossou A,

    Todo E,

    Dossou M,

    Adjottin B,

    Ganglo J,


    Spatial distribution and ecological niche modelling of lymphatic filariasis (Wuchereria bancrofti (Cobbold, 1877) in the context of climate and global…

    International Journal of Mosquito Research

    Lymphatic filariasis is an endemic parasitic disease transmitted to humans by mosquitoes and constitutes a public health problem in Benin. In 2000, the prevalence of infection covered 50 municipalities across the country, with the highest prevalence observed in the southern and central departments o…

    Keywords :




    Lymphatic filariasis,


    Wuchereria bancrofti,

  • Bourobou J,

    Zinzinhedo M,

    Fandohan A,

    Kakaï R,


    Evaluating spatial resolution and imperfect detection effects on the predictive performance of inhomogeneous spatial point process models trained with…

    Modeling Earth Systems and Environment

    Species distribution models (SDMs) are crucial in ecology, conservation, and ecosystem management. Numerous SDMs have been developed over time, and studies have shown that these tools can be affected by a range of factors, such as data type, spatial resolution, number of explanatory variables, sampl…

    Keywords :

    Inhomogeneous spatial point process models,

    Presence-only data,


    Spatial resolution,

    Species distribution modeling,

  • Dassou G,

    Agoundé G,

    Akouété P,

    Favi G,

    Kpétikou G,

    Salako K,

    Ouachinou J,

    Makponsè J,

    Kouyaté A,

    Sari ,

    Glèlè Kakaï R,

    Yédomonhan H,

    Adomou A,


    Past, present, and future potential distributions of the African multipurpose tree Detarium senegalense (Fabaceae)

    Plant Ecology and Evolution

    AbstractBackground and aims – Climate change induces increasing temperatures and drought, with possible profound shifts in species’ presence and distribution. Ecological niche models are widely used to assess plant species responses to climate change. However, such data are scarce for West Africa, p…

    Keywords :





    ecological niche modelling,

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