Gandaho S,
Sogbohossou E,
Thompson L,
Ecological Solutions and Evidence
Species distribution modelling (SDM) is essential for understanding and predicting biodiversity patterns globally. However, the complexities of data preparation, algorithm selection and model evaluation can present significant challenges. This paper introduces NIMO, an R package with a user‐friendly…
Keywords :GBIF database,
Kruger National Park,
NIMO R package,
habitat suitability,
species distribution modelling,
vulture distribution,
Bagri Bouraïma M,
Bielders C,
Sikirou R,
Ezin V,
Ahohuendo B,
Achigan‐Dako E,
Plant Pathology
The effectiveness of agroecological management strategies (AEMS) in controlling bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum species complex (RSSC) remains a critical question. A quantitative review was conducted based on publications reporting agroecological bacterial wilt management practices u…
Keywords :bacterial wilt management,
soilborne disease,
Aikpon G,
Koura K,
Ganglo J,
Biodiversity Data Journal
AbstractBackgroundThe south of Benin, a country in West Africa, is still home to remnants of dense forests that benefit from a particularly rainy sub-equatorial climate, with annual rainfall of up to 1,200 mm. These forest ecosystems are an integral part of the West African forest block, which stret…
Keywords :biodiversity,
forest species,
southern Benin,
west Africa,
Sossou B,
Ayenan M,
Schafleitner R,
Rachidatou S,
Achigan-Dako E,
Bacterial wilt (BW) is caused by Ralstonia solanacearum species complex (RSSC) and can lead to severe losses in a wide range of crops, including many traditional African vegetables (TAV). Given the critical role of TAV in African food security, investigations of BW incidence, distribution, and effec…
Keywords :Bacterial wilt,
Breeding program,
Gboma eggplant,
Traditional African vegetables (TAV),
Adjakidjè A,
Yevide S,
Gbesso G,
Ethnobotany Research and Applications
Background: Ritchiea capparoides is a fast-growing ornamental climbing shrub native to Africa, classified under the Capparaceae family. Despite its importance, it is commonly associated with genera Maerua and Crateva. This bibliometric analysis assesses the spatial and temporal distribution of scien…
Keywords :Bibliometric analysis,
Collaboration networks,
Medicinal plants,
Ritchiea capparoides,
Kokou B,
Salumu P,
Balde I,
Nababi J,
Lufungula G,
Teteli C,
Wanjala F,
Ulemu M,
Mavuto T,
Munyenyembe P,
Rudant J,
Journal of Agricultural Science
Climate change is likely to affect the distribution of species worldwide. Understanding how these changes affect species distribution is important for planning conservation strategies and sustainable management methods. Adansonia digitata L. is of major ecological and socio-economic importance in Ma…
Keywords :A. digitata,
climate change,
utility tree,
Tessi D,
Research Square
Benin, a country in West Africa renowned for its diverse forest ecosystems and protected areas, harbors a rich biodiversity including numerous threatened plant species. Through comprehensive phytosociological surveys, analysis of herbarium records, flora databases, and assessment of rarity indices, …
Keywords :Benin,
C. bonduc,
P . africana,
Hordijk I,
Bialic‐Murphy L,
Lauber T,
Routh D,
Poorter L,
Rivers M,
Steege H,
Liang J,
Reich P,
de‐Miguel S,
Nabuurs G,
Gamarra J,
Chen H,
Zhou M,
Wiser S,
Pretzsch H,
Paquette A,
Picard N,
Hérault B,
Bastin J,
Alberti G,
Abegg M,
Adou Yao Y,
Almeyda Zambrano A,
Alvarado B,
Alvarez‐Davila E,
Alvarez‐Loayza P,
Alves L,
Ammer C,
Antón‐Fernández C,
Araujo‐Murakami A,
Arroyo L,
Avitabile V,
Aymard Corredor G,
Baker T,
Banki O,
Barroso J,
Bastian M,
Birigazzi L,
Birnbaum P,
Bitariho R,
Boeckx P,
Bongers F,
Bouriaud O,
Brancalion P,
Brandl S,
Brienen R,
Broadbent E,
Bruelheide H,
Bussotti F,
Gatti R,
Cesar R,
Cesljar G,
Chazdon R,
Chisholm C,
Cienciala E,
Clark C,
Clar D,
Colletta G,
Coomes D,
Valverde F,
Corral‐Rivas J,
Crim P,
Cumming J,
Dayanandan S,
Gasper A,
Decuyper M,
Derroire G,
DeVries B,
Djordjevic I,
Iêda A,
Dourdain A,
Dolezal J,
Obiang N,
Enquist B,
Eyre T,
Fandohan A,
Fayle T,
Ferreira L,
Feldpausch T,
Finér L,
Fischer M,
Fletcher C,
Frizzera L,
Gianelle D,
Glick H,
Harris D,
Hector A,
Hemp A,
Hengeveld G,
Herbohn J,
Hillers A,
Honorio Coronado E,
Hui C,
Cho H,
Ibanez T,
Jung I,
Imai N,
Jagodzinski A,
Jaroszewicz B,
Johannsen V,
Joly C,
Jucker T,
Karminov V,
Kartawinata K,
Kearsley E,
Kenfack D,
Kennard D,
Kepfer‐Rojas S,
Keppel G,
Khan M,
Killeen T,
Kim H,
Kitayama K,
Köhl M,
Korjus H,
Kraxner F,
Laarmann D,
Lang M,
Lewis S,
Lu H,
Lukina N,
Maitner B,
Malhi Y,
Marcon E,
Marimon B,
Marimon‐Junior B,
Marshall A,
Martin E,
Martynenko O,
Meave J,
Melo‐Cruz O,
Mendoza C,
Merow C,
Miscicki S,
Mendoza A,
Moreno V,
Mukul S,
Mundhenk P,
Nava‐Miranda M,
Neill D,
Neldner V,
Nevenic R,
Ngugi M,
Niklaus P,
Oleksyn J,
Ontikov P,
Ortiz‐Malavasi E,
Pan Y,
Parada‐Gutierrez A,
Parfenova E,
Park M,
Parren M,
Parthasarathy N,
Peri P,
Pfautsch S,
Phillips O,
Piedade M,
Piotto D,
Pitman N,
Polo I,
Poulsen A,
Poulsen J,
Arevalo F,
Restrepo‐Correa Z,
Rodeghiero M,
Rolim S,
Roopsind A,
Rovero F,
Rutishauser E,
Saikia P,
Salas‐Eljatib C,
Schall P,
Schepaschenko D,
Scherer‐Lorenzen M,
Schmid B,
Schöngart J,
Searle E,
Seben V,
Serra‐Diaz J,
Sheil D,
Shvidenko A,
Silva‐Espejo J,
Silveira M,
Singh J,
Sist P,
Slik F,
Sonké B,
Souza A,
Stereńczak K,
Svenning J,
Svoboda M,
Swanepoel B,
Targhetta N,
Tchebakova N,
Thomas R,
Tikhonova E,
Umunay P,
Usoltsev V,
Valencia R,
Valladares F,
Plas F,
Van Do T,
Van Nuland M,
Martinez R,
Verbeeck H,
Viana H,
Vibrans A,
Vieira S,
Gadow K,
Wang H,
Watson J,
Werner G,
Wittmann F,
Wortel V,
Zagt R,
Zawila‐Niedzwiecki T,
Zhang C,
Zhao X,
Zhu Z,
Zo‐Bi I,
Maynard D,
Crowther T,
Global Ecology and Biogeography
Aim Ecological and anthropogenic factors shift the abundances of dominant and rare tree species within local forest communities, thus affecting species composition and ecosystem functioning. To inform forest and conservation management it is important to understand the drivers of dominance and rarit…
Keywords :community,
environmental predictors,
species abundance,
species population threats,
Williams B,
Francisco R,
Mewded B,
Oppong C,
Bosomtwi-Ayensu C,
Masinde C,
Chukwuma D,
Gadisa D,
Yeboah D,
Ahossou E,
Rasaminirina F,
Precious I,
Korir M,
Antwi-Boasiako K,
Mfodwo R,
Musa M,
Atta-Adjei P,
Akomatey P,
Kumordzie S,
Borosova R,
Tang C,
Asase A,
Ameka G,
Simões A,
Ghana’s plant diversity is estimated at 2,974 plant species, belonging to 1,077 genera and 173 plant families. However, a Flora of Ghana is yet inexistent: targeted floristic and taxonomic studies are still much needed to document the plant diversity of the country fully at the family, generic and s…
Keywords :conservation,
traditional uses,
Koura K,
Ganglo J,
ARPHA Preprints
The south of Benin, a country in West Africa, is still home to remnants of dense forests that benefit from a particularly rainy sub-equatorial climate, with annual rainfall of up to 1,200 mm. These forest ecosystems are an integral part of the West African forest block, which stretches from Liberia …
Keywords :biodiversity,
forest species,
southern Benin,
west Africa,